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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


This is a video of me answering this question;

The media institutions that we chose to distribute our film is art/picturehouse cinemas and streaming. Our film would be suitable for these methods of distribution as it is for a niche market rather than a mainstream market due to it being arty, slow, individual and the genre of Noir is not common in a mainstream cinema so it is most likely to be unpopular and not held in a mainstream cinema for long. Streaming offers ranges of films from different genres which gives someone the choice to choose a Noir film, more people that watch films by streaming enjoy different types of films than the mainstream cinema films which is a reason they enjoy streaming sites because they have a huge range of films with different genre's to offer. These methods of distribution both fit our audience because a lot of people enjoy watching films in the comfort of their own home which can be done with streaming and also students do not have a lot  of money and streaming is usually free. In a art/picture house cinema there is a more mature atmosphere and usually no children running around which by asking students i found out they would prefer this.


Cost- the cost of streaming is usually free which would apeal to students due to them usually not having much money. A picturehouse cinema wouldn't cost a lot to watch a film but could have a cost to distributing a film there.

Audience access- streaming is very accessible for an audience because as students they are likely to have a laptop and wifi. Also for a picturehouse cinema there is daily timed viewings so it is also accessible for the audience. 

Pace- Our OTS is slow paced which fits in to the picturehouse cinemas style and for streaming as it is slow paced it creates tension. People could also choose to watch it in their own time with streaming. 

Technical restrictions- There could be certain rules and regulations for streaming websites which our film may not fit in to, our film could be a bad quality due to being made on iMovie for a picture house cinema this may not be good enough and the resolutions may be bad within the screen, a picture house cinema may use tape and our film is made by digital filming, the screen size of a cinema could effect the tension of the close ups due to it being so large on the screen it suits a computer screen but may not look good on a cinema screen as it is larger. 

The constraints we had were getting signed premission to film me and ethan and also to use my house as a setting which was all given premission for. In the industry this could be  problem as the director would need to have a signed contract from actors and extra's on screen to give promission for them to be filmed and also they would need to have promission for the different locations they would like to film in. Also contrants we had were technical problems such as the computers not uploading footage correctly and Imovie not having certain things we wanted to add more Noir effects to our OTS and also the Mac's being slow and not loading. In the industry they are less likely to have problems like these as they usually have the top of the range equipment but if something did go wrong it would have a huge effect on the production and could waste money. Another restrain was cost as we did not have the money to purchase more Noir styled costumes and i had to make them out of what we had, in the industry this would not usually have an effect as they would have the money for all elements of the film and costumes would be included in this.


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